Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm an unashamed dirty TV watcher.
Typically, I don't watch TV. Now I often find myself turning it to Current and watching four (!) hours at at time. I have two books sitting on my coffee table, half read, glaring at me anytime I notice them. They're jealous books.
I also watch LOGO. I enjoy Rupaul's Drag Race, as well as PopLab NewNowNext.
These networks have me wishing my life were set to a clubbier version of this. Oh, and to take lots of X.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Look at the world, it's waking up.
-McCoy's Public House
-The Brooksider
-Amazing microbrew
-[almost] Hypothermia
This weekend there will be:
-Hahna & Hallie
-The Elders
-Even better beer
-No blood
-Lots of sleeping in
-Chubby's for breakfast
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"Well and good.
How to explain, then, that, with his foot actually on the bridge over the creek, George suddenly turns, chuckles to himself, and with the movement of a child wriggling free of a grown-up -- old guardian Cortex -- runs off down the road, laughing, toward the ocean?"
Friday, December 11, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
sad face

Coming Up:
State Radio @ The Bottleneck (Tom.)
Ben Folds @ Liberty Hall
Old Crow Medicine Show @ Liberty Hall
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Celebrity Death - Yves Klein Blue
Revelry - Kings of Leon
For My Family - The Devil Makes Three
Fake Empire - The National
The Only Moment We Were Alone - Explosions in the Sky
I Go to the Barn - Band of Horses
Meet me in the City - The Black Keys
Cold Desert - Kings of Leon
Electric Feel - MGMT
No Ones Gonna Love You - Band of Horses
Animal - Miike Snow
Mistaken for Strangers - The National
Make up Your Mind - Yves Klein Blue
The Funeral - Band of Horses
Squalor Victoria - The National
Green Gloves - The National
Badfish - Sublime
Manhattan - Kings of Leon
Brainy - The National
About the Future - Yves Klein Blue
Wake Up - Arcade Fire
The First Song - Band of Horses
When She Believes - Ben Harper
I Want You - Kings of Leon
The Noisettes are my new pleasure.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Really, I was expecting a Werther's butterscotch candy.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Recently Added

because we realize we can all get along but no one is willing to drop their arms.
For our forefathers have made reforms to civil rights and moral law,
but now that fewer are maligned, there's less pushing us over the line.
Oh, we really aint that far -
but somehow none of that matters anymore."

Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
To live is to face the storms and not to cower before them.
Dang Thuy Tram quoting Ostrovsky in her diary published as, 'Last Night I Dreamed of Peace.'
Saturday, July 11, 2009
there is a hole and i tried to fill it up with money... money, money, money

Lately --------> Yves Klein Blue, TV on the Radio, Band of Horses, No Doubt.
The relationship with my bike is really blossoming, which is helping me bond with more music. I have never been able to run with headphones in, but can't get myself to bike unless I do. There has been a lot more biking than running lately. To motivate myself to fix the ratio, I am going to pick up some new running shoes. The same style of running shoe has been on my feet for over 7 years. I can remember the Asics Gel-Cumulus 4, about to buy the 11th edition. My current pair (9th edition) are totally blown out. Anime Sana In Copore Sano!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
what the fuck?

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
no explanation
Is there something that I am forgetting to do? Some huge project that I have procrastinated on so much, I actually pushed it out of my brain?
What I am feeling, for some reason, is guilt. It's like I have already failed.
My attempt to make myself feel better is to be realistic. I went through every class and figured my grade and what I need on the final. Easily I can get A's in some and B's in most. There is one good chance of a C.
I feel irrationally panicky. I cannot wait for grades to come out.
Monday, May 4, 2009
World Religions Chapter Reviews
Indigenous People Written Final (10-12 pgs)
Memorize 60 Artworks
A paper on "Doing Business in Australia"
A paper on "Aborigines in Australia" (know it like the back of my hand)
A massive Ethnic Relations test
Monday, April 27, 2009
before night falls
since the pipes are ready to give out
passing around the buildings, we need to dodge,
since they are falling onto us,
between the hostile faces scrutinizing and sentencing us,
between the closed establishments,
closed markets,
closed movie theaters,
closed parks,
closed cafés.
Exhibiting already dusty signs (justifications) occasionally,
What kind of reparation?
When will this alleged reparation, alleged reform end?
When at least
will it begin?
Closed... closed... closed...
everything closed...
I arrive and open the innumerable locks, run up the improvised stairwell.
There she is waiting for me.
I discover her, remove the canvas and contemplate her dusty and cold
I get rid of the dust and caress her.
With the slightest brushes from my palms, I clean her back, her base, her
I feel desperate, happy, at her side, before her,
I run my hands over her keys, and rapidly, everything is set in motion.
The ta ta, the jingling, the music starts, little by little, already much
now, at the greatest velocity.
Walls, trees, streets,
cathedrals, faces and beaches,
cells, mini-cells,
giant cells,
starry night, naked
feet, pine groves, clouds
hundreds, thousands,
a million parrots
piano stools and a vine.
Everything shows up, everything arrives, everyone comes.
The walls expand, the ceiling disappears and, naturally, you float,
you float, float ripped apart, swept along,
taken, transported, eternalized,
saved, for the sake of, and
for this miniscule and constant cadence,
for this music,
for this incessant jingling.
"The Parade Ends" Reinaldo Arenas
His life shakes me to the core. In his poem (about the Cuban revolution) I especially like, "Cerrado... Cerrado... Cerrado..., Todo Cerrado..." Javier Bardem does a pretty good interp, from the movie Before Night Falls.
Monday, April 20, 2009
jai ho
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
How great would it be? Being there again when the only worry in my world was if we were having chili with cinnamon roll or hamburgers for lunch. Ah, man fuck papers.
Youth and Young Manhood
On a lark I grabbed some b/w film and shot a roll over the weekend. I can't say that I am entirely happy with my work (above), but I can tell it's improving. I stopped by Love Garden and bought a Kings of Leon CD. I think I like the newer Kings compared to older.
I was a bit of a shit head with the fam. Dad wanted me to go out for coffee with him this morning (5:45), but instead I laid on the couch. I also left my grandmas early.
Now I am writing two resarch critiques, eating body of Christ leftovers, and listening to hardcore country coming from the radio of one of the housing consumers. Skipping to Travis Tritt, ugh.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tomorrow is the last day of group, but also all of my paperwork is due. I ordered my sister, Jesse, and the baby a book. I can't wait for it to arrive. If you want to see a real crock of shit, take a look at this little gem (sad face).
I was bored with the old banner, so I threw up another. It's of a young lady in Jiyugaoka waiting for the train to pass. I remember it being hot as fuck and I was excited to mess around with the exposure on my (then) new camera.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Too busy, so here is what I'm reading.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
We're all in this together

I missed Old Crow Medicine Show playing in Australia by a month and a half. BOOOOO. They are pretty great.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Oh, Brooklyn Brooklyn take me IN
Exciting new song from The Avett Brothers, heard it last night from NPR's live feed of SXSW. GREAT!
Completed MANDT training. I can officially restrain clients now, what was I supposed to do before? I guess take a hit.
59 days til' Australia then L.A., hells yeeah
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
oh why can't i be?
There is always next year. I am making some pretty heavy plans for next year..... hmmmmmmm.
lately i have been listening to: The Black Keys, The Black Lips, Beck, The Elders, Kings of Leon, The National
Saturday, March 14, 2009
this week in review

I am ready for two days of relaxation and drinking, then hitting the HW again. Wicka wow.
Monday, March 2, 2009

Sorry Erika!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
pour mars
New banner up today. This one, unfortunately, I did touch up- I couldn't resist. I don't like to manipulate pictures to much, but I decided to have some fun this time. You can find the original here.
This is the Mombasa skyline seen from the roof of my hotel, where Hallie and I stayed in our mold infested room. We woke up and our heads felt like balloons. Buuuut, damn did Mombasa have some good Chicken Tikka.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
We'll see.
Last night I finished America Anonymous, but now I cannot decide what to move onto next. I am wanting something light since I have a shit ton of reading for school. Hmmmmm.
Also... I think I might start posting some of the academic articles I have been reading lately. Instead of the random scattering of literature I have been accessing, I am coming to a sharper point in what I am interested in researching: Gender, Orientation, Ascribed Roles, etc.
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Either I need to get all sorts of fucked up Friday, or do the right thing and take care of all of this shit.
No Worries (I wish)
Monday, February 23, 2009
I am getting my homework in on time, but not at the quality I am wanting. I continue to wait until the night before to write a paper or get some reading done. That is no way to produce quality work, and I know that.
Here it is on paper (or screen?), I am renouncing my half-ass, night before, last minute bullshit. Papers are going to be at least two night projects so I can start producing work that I am satisfied with.
FUCK, I should have done this earlier.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I forgot...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fuck the Census

Dragging on, dragging on. I almost finished my taxes today, but alas. My mother called just to let me know that she lost the W-2 Ottawa Uni. sent to the house. Fuck. So I owe the school 1K by Feb. 28th. I was counting on that cash, I guess it's back to turning tricks.
However........ I am all caught up on homework, and paperwork at the clinic. Maybe I can breathe for a few seconds.
Hey, I am needing some new music too. Anybody, throw me a bone.
Peace and No Worries
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
30 MILES, not inches
I haven't missed a class yet, I do ALL of the assigned reading, and turn in all my work on time. If I keep this up, I am going to burn out... big time. So taking a mental health day once every two weeks isn't that big a deal, right? I tend to make things sound better than really are.
In other news Cassie is going to be in NY for a few days in September, every article of wearable clothing I own is dirty (including what I have on), I still don't know where I will live this summer, and I feel like I am losing control at work.
Currently Reading (still): The Anthropology of Religion Fiona Bowie
Currently Listening: Son The National
Saturday, February 7, 2009
JR Yamanote Line

I was kind of in a bad mood starting around noon, so I went for a drive into the outlying areas of Ottawa, KS. Made it to some pretty awesome winding roads with bridges, creeks, and rocky bluff outcroppings. I brought the 35mm with me, but... NO FILM! Crap.
There was some great conversation going on last night at Rickner's about the oh-so debated gay marriage thing. The conversation ended with some salt, a shot, and a squeeze from a bottle of lemon juice (I guess we couldn't afford the real thing). I got to see Rusty and apparently tried to tackle Ryan, missed, and hit the door frame. Ouch.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
When I read the email I had a flash from Office Space where the efficiency expert comes in and weeds out people they don't need. "yeaaaah......."
Fuck this shit and fuck this day
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
It's so ridiculous, I had to post again.
Then, the battery in my truck was dead so borrowed Ryan's car to go buy another. I purchased the battery ($77), then stood in the parking lot looking in the car window at the keys on the seat, desperately pulling on the door handle. Shit was locked. Called Keyman ($40), didn't have any cash so had to go into WalMart to pull money out of the ATM. No ATM. I HAD TO BUY A FUCKING PACK OF GUM, JUST TO GET CASH BACK.
Oh, and I keep getting these agency wide emails from work. Blah blah we are losing grants blah blah blah the economy is horrible, then WAM! So and So is no longer with the agency, this is not the beginning of a layoff (right).
Fuck that shit.
fated to pretend

Monday, February 2, 2009
new banner
I was excited to see the temple, but was unmoved. I am coming to discover that when I am traveling and happen upon a religiously significant site, I look at the monument with an anthropologists eye. I don't look back on it as terribly affecting, but educational and historical. A lot of that must have something to do with my serious beef with religion (not just Christianity).
Peace and No Worries.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Arnold van Gennep, The Rites of Passage 1909
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The urge (to vacate) was particularly intense tonight.

I don't know what it was about the day, the weather, the people, or me- but today was a particularly sour day in Ottawa. I am feeling stagnant and used up in this town. When I drive down the same street, grind through the same hourlies every week, and interact with the same people, I hate this place
I need to see different kinds of trees, a face I have never seen before - fuck, I would settle for a god-damn ethnic restaurant.
I live for that feeling when I am traveling- I am not thinking about the next step in my life, how I am going to pay for my next meal; or anything forward.
Those precious moments when I am traveling and I feel like I am home, are the only moments in my life, that I can speak of with any confidence, where I am content with my existence in the now.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
"What was he doing?"

Men's Health published Eat This, Not That this week. In it they list the 20 worst foods available in the U.S. for 2009. Take a look at Chili's Smokehouse Bacon Triple-The-Cheese Big Mouth Burger with Jalapeno Ranch Dressing. Wow, there is grease dripping from the title (not to mention 4,900 mg of sodium).
In other news, I decided not to go to Australia... then changed my mind (still not sure). Me and Ryan roughed out a life plan last night up to age 25, lets just say there is a lot of wiggle room. My future will include what you see up top (not my photo).
I included a playlist of mine at the bottom of the screen. I was reluctant to do this since I am not going for the MySpace or Facebook feel with this blog. Buuut... I am a little maven who wants to tell everybody what he is listening to.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
58 godamn hours a week
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
"...gathering clouds..."

In the picture, I remember feeling free. Away from people, but having that strong sense of belonging to something larger than myself. I felt the same way today. Thanks...
Monday, January 19, 2009
lets not try to figure out everything at once
Sunday, January 18, 2009

I hope I never forget those fucking people in the Carter Notch.
Boring day. Working a shift at Pinet isn't going to liven things up either. OH Ottawa.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Most interestingly "The meaning of life is..."
- "Too tough."
- "Absurd question!"
- "Cheers!"
- "We are a massive huge puzzle."
- "Follow your bliss."
- "Do whatever you want."
- "Understand your piece."