Wednesday, February 11, 2009

30 MILES, not inches

Rumney, NH. 2007
Well I smoked last night, slept in this morning, then didn't go to any of my classes. To be fair my morning class was canceled, then I skipped my two afternoon classes. Of course the standard guilt crept in, but I made myself look from a different perspective.

I haven't missed a class yet, I do ALL of the assigned reading, and turn in all my work on time. If I keep this up, I am going to burn out... big time. So taking a mental health day once every two weeks isn't that big a deal, right? I tend to make things sound better than really are.

In other news Cassie is going to be in NY for a few days in September, every article of wearable clothing I own is dirty (including what I have on), I still don't know where I will live this summer, and I feel like I am losing control at work.


Currently Reading (still):
The Anthropology of Religion Fiona Bowie
Currently Listening: Son The National

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