Monday, February 23, 2009


My days of procrastinating are over. This semester has been one of major change. I only drink once a week, I keep all of my work appointments, and I get my homework in on time. But there is a problem with that last one.

I am getting my homework in on time, but not at the quality I am wanting. I continue to wait until the night before to write a paper or get some reading done. That is no way to produce quality work, and I know that.

Here it is on paper (or screen?), I am renouncing my half-ass, night before, last minute bullshit. Papers are going to be at least two night projects so I can start producing work that I am satisfied with.

FUCK, I should have done this earlier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i expect some society pages coverage over my amazing 21st. you should get on that too colt..